Bionic 880, the most advanced and powerful photon therapy device worldwide
Biophysicist Dr. F. Popp's biophoton theory is a groundbreaking theory in biophysics. According to Quanten Theory, the light which is called quantum or photon, consists of light beams. According to Popp, light is absorbed by the skin and distributed throughout the body. According to Popp's study, it has been determined that each cell communicates with other elements through the interaction of light photons.
How does Bionic 880 work?
Bionic 880, the most advanced and powerful photon therapy device worldwide, functions through three acupuncture methods (needle, electro and laser acupuncture). The treatment uses soft light instead of needles; and this method has been proven to have the same results as needle acupuncture. Thus, risks such as microbe transfer, organ puncture and deep-rooted needles are eliminated.
Bionic 880 uses the healing power of biophotons to regulate hormones and stimulate cells. The emitted biophotons are absorbed by the skin, proliferate within the body and spread irregularly. To regulate different hormones and balance their production, they branch out from the nervous system to the brain through the spinal cord. Many hormones such as Endorphin, Seratonin and Cortisone can be regulated in this way. For example, photon signals reach the adrenal glands and lead to altered production of DHEA (an important anti-stress hormone) and Cortisone here. In clinical examinations, it was observed that there were significant changes in DHEA and Cortisone levels with photon therapy.
Effect of hormones
Endorphin, which is similar to morphine in terms of chemical structure, has been detected in various parts of the body and the central nervous system. In addition to its various functions such as reducing pain and providing comfort to the body, it has a controlled effect in response to the body's nervous response. It also has a positive effect on the control of homeostasis mechanisms such as blood circulation, digestion and temperature regulation. In the spinal fluid of patients treated for chronic pain, the level of endorphins has been found to be low in the cerebrospinal fluid. This level can be increased along with the relaxation brought by therapy after treatment with Bionic 880.
Endorphin production is suppressed in body parts during anger and rage. In case of stress, cortisol also plays an important role in addition to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Cortisol production increases in shock and stress situations. It has been observed that biophotons reduce cortisol levels in the bodies they stimulate.
Cellular effects
Life is not possible without light. According to biophysicist Dr. Popp, light is present in our body cells. It has been scientifically proven that photon rays decrease at the cellular level before damage occurs in organs and cells. Weak cells are renewed under the influence of photon-shaped rays. Biophotons absorbed through the skin regulate cell activity and determine the organism's biochemical functions. The propagation of biophotons in the body and on the cell occurs in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges. It has been shown in many scientific studies that infrared light serves to facilitate communication between cells and organs. The biophoton beam hits the diseased cells, strengthens the rays, also known as photons, within weak-capacity cells, and repairs cells. Photon therapy in the infrared wavelength can initiate many metabolic processes including cell division, zycl AMP metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation, hemoglobin, collagen and other protein syntheses as well as the Lencozyth activity that delays cancer growth. Photon therapy assists in macrophage production and wound healing: excessive production of connective tissue that occurs after surgery or inflammation is stopped. If the connective tissue that consists of keloid proliferates uncontrollably, such as an unintentional situation occurring during burning; other cells (such as connective tissues, lymphocytes and the like) react to the appropriate wavelengths. As proven in researches, the infrared light which is similar to biphoton has a positive effect on white blood cells, various lymph nodes, various enzymes, prostaglandin production and connective tissue cells,
Bionic 880 has been successfully developed into its current form through years of practice with therapists. It is also used successfully in anti-aging and wellness applications.